Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Nutrition For Weight Loss & Weight Gain

Posted by nutrition for weight loss 1 On 02:45 | No comments

Nutrition For Weight Loss 

Nutrition is the key to any successful weight loss regime. You can exercise all you want but if you don’t follow a proper diet regimen then you won’t lose those extra kilos. Any individual’s weight change is determined by the amount of calories you take in subtracted by the amount of calories you burn.
 A person who has reached his/her ideal weight should look to consume the amount of calories they burn. Roughly one pound equals 3500 calories which might seem like a lot but even small amounts add up and if coupled with lack of exercise can lead to rapid weight gain.
Ideally a man and woman should consume 2500 cal and 2000 cal respectively per day. However this may vary for individuals and one should consult a certified dietician to figure out what to eat and what food agrees with their system. It’s not just about calories, but the source and when you eat.

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mail me to nutritionforweightloss1@gmail.com


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