Wednesday 15 January 2014

Health Problems Due To Lack of Nutrition & Excess Weight

Posted by nutrition for weight loss 1 On 00:42 | No comments

Health Problems Due To Excess Weight

Malnutrition can drain your energy.

Weakened Immune System
Inadequate nutrition can lead to a weakened immune system and poor wound healing, especially in older adults, according to Getting proper amounts of vitamin A, B vitamins and zinc can help keep your immune system strong, according to Harvard Medical School. Although eating a well-balanced diet can help you meet your nutritional needs, ask your doctor if a multivitamin supplement is appropriate for you to help prevent deficiencies that can affect your immune system.


 Anemia is a condition often caused by lack of iron, folate or vitamin B-12 in the diet. Anemia can lead to fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, irritability and feeling cold. People with an increased risk for developing anemia include individuals with blood disorders, women with heavy menstrual periods, pregnant women and people with nutrient deficiencies, according to MedlinePlus. Treatment for anemia usually involves taking a supplement containing the nutrient you are deficient in.

Heart Disease

A study published in a 2011 edition of "Nutrition Research" reports that vitamin D deficiency is common in U.S. adults, and may be associated with heart disease. The Office of Dietary Supplements recommends adult men and women under age 71 consume at least 15 micrograms, while adults over age 70 get at least 20 micrograms of vitamin D each day. Good sources of vitamin D include sunlight, fish, milk, yogurt and egg yolks.


 Osteoporosis, or weak, brittle bones, can result from lack of dietary calcium -- or reduced calcium absorption in your body. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, groups of people with an increased risk for developing osteoporosis include postmenopausal women, women with eating disorders such as anorexia, people who avoid dairy products and vegetarians. Although dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, you don’t have to consume dairy foods to meet your daily calcium requirements. Calcium-fortified foods and beverages – like some breakfast cereals, brands of orange juice, tofu, soy milk, almond milk and soy yogurt – are excellent sources of dietary calcium. Many multivitamin supplements are also rich in calcium.

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