Monday, 13 January 2014

Improve Fading Memory and Thinking Skills With Nutrition

Posted by nutrition for weight loss 1 On 17:06 | 1 comment

How to Improve Fading Memory and Thinking Skills With Nutrition

Clams are one of many foods that can boost your brain power.

Aging is part of life and there is no way around it. You may notice visible changes in your body, such as wrinkles or aches and pains, but the changes in your brain are not as obvious. A report from the USDA Agricultural Research Service states that with aging comes a natural loss of brain cells. However, you may be able to slow down that loss and improve your brain cells' communication abilities by getting an adequate intake of specific brain-boosting foods and nutrients.
1 . Eat fish, particularly fish high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, albacore tuna and herring. According to a study in the June 7, 2011, issue of "PLoS One," intake of omega-3 fatty acids improves brain performance, including learning and memory skills. Researchers report an added bonus of decreased anxiety levels.
Eating a portion of tuna, salmon, sardines or other oily fish once or twice a week reduces the risk of breast cancer, according to a review published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on Thursday.
Oily fish is rich in so-called n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, or n-3 PUFAs, which are involved in the immune system, blood-vessel activity and chemical messaging in the brain.

2. Snack on walnuts.
Walnuts improve your brain's memory and learning capabilities, according to a study in the November 2011 issue of "Plant Foods For Human Nutrition." Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, but don't let their fat content scare you. Researchers in the study also report that the rats that had increased walnut intake showed a significant decrease in food intake, meaning walnuts may benefit your waistline while they improve your brain function.


3. Eat more blueberries and strawberries. A study in the October 2012 issue of "Psychopharmacology" reports that after only seven weeks of blueberry supplementation, rats showed improved learning ability and memory function. Not only can berries improve current brain function, but they may also delay the decline in brain function that comes with aging, according to a 
 study in the July 2012 issue of "Annals of Neurology."

4. Increase your total intake of fruits and vegetables. A report in the 2007 issue of "Sub-cellular Biochemistry" states that upping your fruit and vegetable intake may lower your risk of developing negative brain changes, such as memory loss, associated with aging.

5.Have a clam-bake. Clams are high in vitamin B-12, which lowers levels of homocysteine and methylmalonate, compounds in the brain that lead to poor memory and brain shrinkage, according to a study in the Nov. 8, 2011, issue of "Neurology." Other good sources of vitamin B-12 include liver, fish, lean meats and poultry, fortified cereals and dairy products.

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1 comment:

  1. Nutritious food is always good for brain and the brain booster herbal supplements
    also important for improving memory power. should take daily for brain boosting.


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