Sunday 12 January 2014

Healthy Weight Loss Nutrition

Posted by nutrition for weight loss 1 On 03:11 | No comments


This article provides a few nutritional principles for achieving and maintaining
a healthy weight for life as well as suggestions to get started. If implementing these principles is frustrating or difficult, consult a registered dietitian or wellness coach.

Principles of a healthy weight loss program: nourishes, not deprives, strengthens,
not fatigues and promotes self-respect, not a hatred of shortcomings.


Nourishment provides the substances necessary for growth,
health, and good condition.

Make half your meal vegetables and fruits (more vegetables than fruits).

Use whole grains instead of processed grains.

Minimize sugar in both food and beverages; sugar provides little nourishment
but a lot of calories
Replace fatty meats with lean protein like beans, chicken breast, and fish.

unsaturated oils and trans fat free tub margarines instead of butter and shortenings; eat a handful of nuts or avocado daily.

Weight lass can occur without restricting calories by following the suggestions above; if you must restrict don't restruct more than 100 - 500 calories without first consulting a dietitian.


Strength is physical stamina and mental resilience.

Eat a nourishing breakfast and small, healthy snacks as you feel hungry to energ ize your body throughout the day.

Eat a light dinner and limit late night snacks so weight loss occurs while you sleep.

Foster positive attitudes about your new healthy diet; find foods you love!

Remain hydrated throughout the day.

Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Remember that physical activity is a vital component to health as well.


Self-respect creates an internal environment in which the true
self can blossom.

Take time to acknowledge your achievements every day.

Respect your body by fueling it with wholesome foods; eliminate thoughts
of self- punishment.

Honor your bodies cues and stop eating when satisfied (80% full).

Seek help from others along your journey and return the favor when possible.

Accept yourself as you are - a work in progress that will continue to develop.

Set reasonable expectations; optimal weight varies from individual to individual.

You can be overweight yet maintain a low risk of chronic disease provided you are physically active and follow healthy eating habits.

Getting Started

Start with a vision; set a small goal of one new habit you can start today.

Keep a journal of your efforts.

Continually reevaluate your progress toward your goals and make adjustments.

Set new goals as habits become easier to accomplish.

Continue to learn about ways to improve your health.

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